The field of interpreting is divided into the following sectors:
– simultaneous interpreting
– whispering interpreting
– consecutive interpreting
– consecutive interpreting at the notary office
Simultaneous interpreting – the interpreting takes place simultaneously with the presentation of the original text and by the use of a particular audio technology (e.g. for lectures, speeches etc.). The speaker uses a microphone and his speech is forwarded to the interpreter’s headset; in the interpreter’s booth, there is also a video transmission of what is happening in the hall. The interpreter speaks his text in the target language into his microphone and from there it is forwarded to the headsets of the audience. There are two interpreters appointed for each language pair, who will take turns in interpreting after every 15–30 minutes.
You may also rent the audio technology required for simultaneous interpreting from us.
Whispering interpreting is similar to simultaneous interpreting, however, it does not require a specific audio technology. It is applied, when there are 1–3 listeners. The interpreter sits next to the listeners and interprets the spoken text in a whisper, while at the same time the speaker is holding his speech.
Consecutive interpreting – speaker and interpreter take turns in speaking (for conferences, receptions, negotiations, court hearings etc.). The speaker presents his text in sections, while giving time to the interpreter for its interpretation after each section. When planning this kind of an event, one should definitely plan sufficiently extra-time for the interpretation.
Consecutive interpreting at the notary office – the interpreter participates in the transaction performed at a notary public and, in addition to the interpretation of what is being said by the notary and his client, he may also interpret the content of the document certified by the notary.
An order for the service of interpretation shall be made in due time, for the work schedule of an interpreter with corresponding preparation and experience is being planned ahead.
Please, provide us with the following data:
– language direction
– date and time of the event
– address
– topic of the event
– contact data
The price for interpreting will be calculated on the basis of these data and the interpreter’s number of working hours.
For better results, we ask you to send us in time as much information and auxiliary material as possible.